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Best Gynaecologic Oncologist Mumbai


Dr. Samar Gupte is the Best Gynaecologic Oncologist Mumbai. Gynecologic oncology is the field which deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of recurrence of cancer of the pelvic reproductive organs.The different types of cancer of pelvic organs are

Cervical CancerGynaecologic Oncologist
• Endometrical cancer
• Ovarian Cancer
• Vulcar and Vaginal Cancer

The cancer are often benign i.e.have very little or no way of spreading to different organs, yet can be threatening growths in some uncommon cases. Get treatment with Best Gynaecologic Oncologist Mumbai. In either case, it means quite a bit to regard it as quickly as time permits, to either obliterate or possibly forestall the expansion of the cancer.

Effects of Gynecological Cancer

The most widely recognized impact of this cancer is infertility. In instance of a threatening growth, there is a risk of the cancer multiplying to different organs in the body.


• Abnormal vaginal bleeding
• Unnecessary pain and strain in pelvic district
• Frequency in urination
• Bloating and abdominal pain
• Itching, burning and pain in vulva
• Changes in the color of vulva


1. Utilizing imaging methods, for example, X-ray, CT examines, X-rays, and so on.
2. Performing biopsies (taking example of the tissue to check for any cancerous growth).


Cervical Cancer
Surgery is generally as Radical hysterectomy i.e., Evacuation of the uterus with its encompassing tissues alongside a pelvic lymphadenectomy i.e., expulsion of lymph nodes which drain the uterus.

This surgery should be possible by a conventional open surgery or by a laparoscopic (key hole) surgery. Consult the Best Gynaecologic Oncologist Mumbai .

Endometrial cancer
Surgery shapes the pillar of treatment for endometrial cancers.Surgery would incorporate a Hysterectomy with evacuation of the two ovaries, pelvic and para-aortic lymph hubs and Omental biopsy.Laparoscopic surgery is the highest quality level for endometrial cancer

Ovarian Cancer
This cancer influences one or both the ovaries, accordingly influencing their capacity to deliver the egg cells, and subsequently influence the fertility of the patient.Treatment methodology incorporate chemotherapy and radiation treatment. In serious cases, an Oophorectomy (careful evacuation of the ovaries) is performed. Get treatment with Best Gynaecologic Oncologist Mumbai.

Vulcar and Vaginal Cancer
These are rare, and require a high index of suspicion on the part of the gynaecologist to catch them in the early stages and requires special expertise to make the diagnosis, evaluate the extent of disease and develop a plan for treatment. Gynaecologic oncologists have had years of speciality preparing to gain the abilities expected to assess and treat all gynaecologic disease including vaginal and vulvar cancers.

Visit and Consult the Best Gynaecologic Oncologist Mumbai.